Induction System
Make inductions, health and safety and training tracking effortless.
Construction inductions made easy

Health and Safety regulations require workers to complete their general construction induction training before they start construction work. With BuilderStorm it’s easier than ever and checks can be made on the system to ensure everyone is up to date.

Full audit trail on company test inductions

For each question, you can view statistics, how long a question takes on average to answer, how often your users get the answer wrong, and how many users complete the induction test successfully.

Custom made inductions

Our induction system stores any details you need including copies of CSCS and CPCS cards and users completed inductions. The induction can be custom made using; images, files, PowerPoint presentations, text or even videos. New inductees need to complete the induction and a questionnaire, typically covering the CSCS syllabus. The questionnaire can also be custom made to cover hot topics for your site. This process halves usual induction times.

Induct new employees on/off-site

New employees can complete inductions from their mobile, tablet or computer without any direction. This saves you both time and effort.

Check out a short demonstration of how it works

Watch a short demonstration on how our Induction System looks and operates.



Reports can be generated to provide daily summaries or emails whenever an Induction is created, so you’re always in the loop.


Like most features within BuilderStorm, the Inductions are mobile friendly and can be used on all smart phones on the go.