Project Drawings
Ensure your teams always working with the latest information.
Maintain all revisions

The Project Drawings feature of BuilderStorm will allow DWG and PDF files. Anyone authorized can upload a drawing can add files to the system. As drawings are updated, new files can be added, revising the current issue. Older revisions are kept for historical and auditing purposes.

More flexibility and functionality

Create your own statuses and categories that help filter the lists of drawings, helping to find information quickly and easily.

Fast and easy

With one single click, you can upload your drawings into one place. It’s easy to set up categories, status, tags and more. Bulk downloads are available, and commenting, tracking and sharing features are all provided as standard.

Check out a short demonstration of how it works

Watch a short demonstration on how our Drawing Hosting system looks and operates.



Reports can be generated to provide daily summaries or emails whenever a Project Drawing is created or uploaded, so you’re always in the loop.


Like most features within BuilderStorm, the Project Drawings feature is mobile friendly and can be used on all smart phones on the go.