Brexit and buying British; why local is better.
Understanding the challenges our industry faces is crucial, especially as we head into a cloud of uncertainty in March and beyond.
Understanding the challenges our industry faces is crucial, especially as we head into a cloud of uncertainty in March and beyond.
From client appraisals, neat profits and completing on time and within budget, it sounds easy for a construction project to be a success, right? Wrong! If not properly managed, a construction project can easily go over budget and the scheduled date for substantial completion can fly by in the blink of an eye.
As a SME construction business you may not have considered the value of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO). You may not fully understand it. You have a website, right? Is that not enough? Well… only if potential clients can find it!
Here at Builderstorm, customer service is a key part of our business. We believe customer service should feel more like a customer experience - we want our clients to know we are here to help and that there is a clear defined route and feedback to aid this process.
When we think of the construction industry, we usually picture a bunch of lads on a construction site, strutting around in their safety helmets.
An Architecture Project Management Software is a type of software that is designed to ensure the project success for businesses of many kinds. Most of the professionals hire online project management software companies as they offer vast speed and security along with guaranteed data backups.
Construction businesses are complex to operate as each project involves so many dynamic facets. The industry is faced with unique challenges posed by weather, material specification changes, site conditions, coordination between various on-site contractors and owner preferences. Risk and accountability factors further increase the complexity of building projects. However, the problems are now being handled through the use of comprehensive building software designed for construction management.
Owning and managing a construction business is not an easy task. In the past, pen and paper were the staples of a construction business. However, these were susceptible to human errors, lost pages, slow filing and retrieval and information loss due to errors as simple as pen breaks or coffee spills. Hence, it became difficult for the owners to stay connected with their staff.
We have all been in that position, made a purchase which will undoubtedly make a significant impact on our business. However, after the sales guys have gone leaving just you, the keyboard, monitor, and an extensive instruction manual, you start to scratch your head and wonder where on earth do you begin!
Let’s face it, to be competitive today, architects, contractors and developers need to do a lot more with a lot less. For that reason, many construction professionals are using construction management software.